Until some days ago, My MSN Live was always reminding me to update. But, as lots of guys, I didn't. Right now, it refused to work until I accepted to update. I don't know what for, I did not received any comment about it, I did not authorized any download. But anyway, they did it again.
I am not one of the Linux evangelists anymore, I do agree with interoperability, I do think it is necessary. But I paid any single cent for my computer, so I am the one to decided what will be in it or not.
The reason I left MS Vista HP in my Toshiba was: it is legal. After some years only working with Linux in home and XP in the office left me behind in several topics. I tried to give MS a chance.
But they keep wandering around in my laptop, in and out, without telling why or when. It is just like this is not my laptop. I am aware that they allowed me to use Vista, and that I do not own it. Okay!!! But the laptop is still mine, I own it, I must decide what I want or not! and also when!!
Up here they allow me to choose yes (Sim) or no (Não) as an answer to "May I (MS) install the software I (MS) downloaded in your laptop (the sucker's laptop)? ".
They "offered" some stuff to install, and I answered them "no,thanks". Since I have no choice (not democratic!), just give me Live MSN, thanks. But they warned it would cost 160MB. Awful!
Not only this, but there is an interesting translating problem: Silverlight's is in English !!! Here in Brazil they always complained about our poor translation. But that, years ago. Now, in 2009, they did the same ? Shame on you ...
After, I spent some minutes to overview the contract, and there they told me:
- I cannot use the service in a "harmful way" (my translation) to MS or to the announcers. So, I can't use MSN to complain about my insatisfaction with MS? Is that correct ?
- I agree that they may use whatever I type in MSN, almost in the way they understand they should.
- In case of being prejudiced, the MS can refund me as compensation no more than the value I pay monthly. Not even a penny more. Also, it doesn't matter whether MS knew or should know about anything that could prejudice me!!!
- This contract is eletronic, but I can not copy/paste it or at least perform a search in it. And if I need to find any word in it? no way!
- MS does not guarantee anything. Software SHOULD work, OS SHOULD work. And where is the problem in using free software ? It is also not guaranteed.
- In my case, as it is for everyone who lives in any country of South America, most problems related to the service should be resolved in Washington. If I am complaining, and if in Brazil we have MS offices also, why in the world should I go to Washington ?
For now, I had to accept this all. I will still try to evaluate if it is really worthy to use a licensed Windows copy. I am not speaking about piracy. I am speaking about free software, mainly Ubuntu.
MSN rules! kill the democracy! lol...
I use microsoft software, and they are awsome, i love microsoft products and besides the problema that any other software may have, the company has a agressive marketing with a product that suply my enforts.
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