After almost 5 years wth me, my Acer laptop (Celeron) has been sold. Since it's arrival, it has mostly worked with Ubuntu in a partition, and Windows XP in another.
After some months, only Ubuntu, and until last month, Ubuntu 9.04. I bought a brand new one (thanks, Lon !!!) from Toshiba. And a friend of us asked me that laptop for his son. I told him to keep Ubuntu, for it is better, safer, and all the stuff we know about it.
- No, because he will have to learn lots of new concepts, and on.
And that is for studying only. After some words, I finally gave up, and had to start reinstalling Windows XP on it. Vista would not work well. My first problem was with drivers, since I didn't have them. Not that difficult, Acer's site is really a breeze. I downloaded almost 10 drivers and started a painful path of OS rebuilding. More than 8 reboots after, I had a fully functional Windows: sound, video and anything useful else. Typical. No Compiz, jelly windows, cube desktop, or many other useful stuffs. Hummm ... I mentioned it was only a Celeron with 1G ?
Office, Avira, hotfixes, all this stuff to be installed AFTER ending OS on Partition. More than 1:30 hours, My future ex-Acer is ready to serve someone else: a teenager ... (brrr).
One week after, all the system was compromised with "some" viruses. Now, after all that problems, he'll give Linux a chance. I'll let you know about it after.